The pelvis is tilted and the head is shifted to the right. Her right shoulder is also lower than the left. The space between her elbows and waist are not symmetrical. More of her hands are hidden from our view.


Shoulders are more level, and the head is cut more equally on either side of the line. Legs are closer together due to her decreased need for a large base of support. The tilt of the pelvis has neutralized and a shallower front-to-back- low back curvature can be noted. Elbow-waist space is more equal on either side.

Note 1: To be consistent, the line on the photos on the side is drawn up cutting the middle of the sacrum and coccyx (through the centre of the tailbone). We will always be describing observations from the client’s left and right, not which side they appear on the photo.

Note 2: These photos are a snapshot in time. It is difficult to show a 3D object, in a 2D photo. You will be unable to see the new movement possibilities of the models, hear how they felt differently, or how where they are feeling the change in their body if at all. Many thanks to the models shown for graciously allowing us to view and utilize their before and after photos.

Available for Appointments:
Mondays to Fridays (10am‑8pm)
Saturdays (10am‑3pm)

Available for Appointments:
Mondays to Fridays (10am‑8pm)
Saturdays (10am‑3pm)